Under Alien Influence Read online

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  Pierre nodded, smiling, though the same distant voice seemed to keep saying that he wouldn’t have been discussing such matters the previous day. He had his other boot off, and he looked up at Nick as he slipped on the running shoe. He winked. “That’s not all, either. I punished her over the ottoman, with those panties still around her knees of course, and then…”

  But Nick clearly knew exactly what the other man was about to say. “You fucked that sweet little pussy, didn’t you? Was she a virgin?”

  “Yep,” Pierre replied. “I popped young Hailey’s cherry for her.”

  “Did she take to the cock like a good girl, after her punishment?” Nick asked with frank curiosity. “Janice is learning to submit, now that she’s a spanked wife. She sucked my cock for the first time last night, and I fucked her doggy style this morning. She needs regular fucking from a good hard cock, whether she thinks she’s in the mood or not, and from now on she’s going to get it. I bet your Hailey will benefit from the same kind of treatment.”

  Pierre stood up, smiling. “Hailey did like taking the penis,” he confirmed. “She took it hard in the pussy, and I fucked her face, too. She’s going to be a fuck toy from now on—I told her I’ll open her asshole this afternoon on my cock when she gets home from school.”

  Nick nodded appreciatively. He set off up the path, with Pierre behind him. When they had gone only a few paces, the park ranger turned and said, “That’s kind of funny, too, actually—you telling Hailey she’s going to get it in the butt today. I told Janice the same thing, and I told her to shave her pussy, too. I want her nice and smooth when I fuck that tight little anus.”

  “Have you ever had her that way before?” Pierre asked with a good deal of curiosity. He didn’t think he would ever have pegged Nick Strauss as a devotee of anal sex.

  Nick shook his head, with a bark of laughter. “Janice? No, of course not. I mean, I’ve always wanted to fuck that cute bottom of hers, but until I took her in hand last night and told her how it’s going to be, she would never even have let me near her asshole. The way I look at it though, now that she’s learning her lesson it’s important to teach her that I’ll fuck her wherever I want.”

  Pierre nodded, thinking about the proposition as he walked. “That’s the way,” he said rather musingly. “I think I’ll tell Hailey to expect regular bottom sex, too. That’ll keep her from getting pregnant, as well.”

  “You need to use their natural need for cock to keep them in line,” Nick said in a sage tone of voice that Pierre felt sure the man wouldn’t have used the day before, at least for such an unconventional pronouncement. “And whip them when that doesn’t quite do it. Hailey should have a paddling stool, too, don’t you think?”

  Pierre found himself in agreement, to his slight surprise. The idea of Hailey made to bare her bottom and lie over a special stool that would raise her little cheeks for the paddle suddenly appealed to him greatly. Something else occurred to him, too.

  “Should we fuck their bottoms together?” he asked Nick. “Seems like we have a good thing going. You know Tim Foster pretty well, right?”

  “The fire chief in town, you mean? Of course. Never really got a chance to get to know him, but he’s a great guy.”

  “He might be interested, too. He’s been having trouble with his girlfriend Mary for a few months now. Don’t you think Mary should see Janice and Hailey having their anuses filled with cock?”

  For an instant, Pierre saw that this notion lay well outside the bounds of the morality he had applied to his life until the previous afternoon. When he saw Nick nod, though, and turn to him with a look of approval, he knew this fresh way of viewing the world had great merit.

  “I think that’s a great idea, Pierre,” the ranger said. “We can get a regular little club going here in Fotherville. Girls getting their need for the penis met, and their guys learning how to punish and fuck them. Why don’t you go ahead and give Tim a call once we get back to town?”

  Chapter Twelve

  The Zedaar conferred as Nick Strauss and Pierre LeGrand drove away from the forest, after taking a sample of the move-thing for Pierre to examine in the lab at his office.

  I believe it probable, sent the one inside Pierre, that if I control the communication properly the human Tim Foster will bring his almost-mate Mary Glass to the Strauss house. If we can get Tim Foster and Mary Glass within close range, each of us will be able quickly to influence one of them.

  The Zedaar in Nick considered for a femtosecond. Indeed. Nick Strauss finds the idea of a club, as the humans term such small organizations, very appealing. He has come up on his own with the intention of phoning Janice Strauss and telling her to invite Hailey Miller over to the Strauss house so that they can prepare themselves together for anal sex.

  And Pierre LeGrand, returned the other alien, has similar thoughts concerning Hailey Miller—as well as several ideas with regard to ensuring that Hailey Miller, Janice Strauss, Mary Glass, and other attractive human females should all submit to regular dominant sexual partnering and strict corporal punishment when necessary.

  Yes, confirmed Nick’s Zedaar, and the notion that a periodic bare-bottom discipline session simply to maintain the females’ submissive attitudes will aid in their training has become an important one to Nick Strauss. He believes that all the females of the little organization should receive a weekly spanking, seeing as his punishment of Janice Strauss last night seems to him to have produced such favorable results.

  The Zedaar ceased sending electrostatic communications for a moment, then, as they both contemplated the meaning of this development for their invasion.

  Finally Pierre’s alien sent, If we manage it correctly and make certain we can influence each human as he or she becomes part of the club, this scheme will help us bring the move-thing project to a successful conclusion very quickly. I estimate that with three male and three female members under our control or influence, we will be able to extract the ore and build the projector-receptor in one human month. With two additional males and two additional females we would have a functional node in only two human weeks, since I find in Pierre LeGrand’s mind that his corporation possesses all the necessary equipment for the construction.

  Another pause, of five picoseconds—a relative eternity, from the standpoint of Zedaari communication.

  That is a short time, from a human perspective, ventured the alien inside Nick’s neural network.

  Very short, agreed the one in Pierre’s brain. It seems precipitate, does it not? Should we proceed in a more circumspect way?

  And grow the club to include further humans? Nick’s Zedaar had picked up quickly on its colleague’s idea, it might have seemed to a super-intelligent outside observer.

  Certainly, replied the other, it would provide many more amusing hosts for the Zedaar who will travel here when we have finished the projector-receptor. Indeed to have available so many human males who spank their mates and almost-mates and fuck them dominantly could well increase our chance of having this world listed as superior.

  And that is how the Zedaar invaders of Earth came to decide that all the women of Fotherville, Ontario, should receive weekly spankings and regular anal sex, as an essential element of their invasion.

  * * *

  Hailey looked at her phone in mild surprise at the strange number that had popped up, as she walked home from school. The mystery only deepened when she heard the voice of the woman on the other end of the call.

  “Hailey? This is Janice Strauss.”

  “Who?” Hailey frowned, holding the phone to her ear as she walked down the sidewalk. Only another block and she would be home, and she could think about Pierre coming over, and… well, she felt herself getting warm in her panties as she remembered what he had said they would do that afternoon, when he came over. What he would do to her. She still really couldn’t figure out how an older man had ignited such a need for… well, for him… for that one part of him, especially, that seemed to burn in her me
mory as she thought about the way he had fucked her, and then the way he had refused to fuck her that morning, as she rubbed her soaking pussy against his leg like an animal in heat.

  In heat. That seemed to Hailey exactly what she was, she realized with, yes, a hot blush.

  “Janice Strauss,” the voice on her phone said. “I’m… well, my husband Nick is a friend of Pierre LeGrand’s, who I guess you know?”

  Hailey felt her face go completely hot, then, a kind of blush she had only experienced once before—the moment Pierre had walked into the family room and found her playing with herself. Something in Janice’s voice, too, seemed to indicate that the woman knew that the way in which Hailey knew Pierre LeGrand had something dirty about it—and, more, that Janice’s very reason for calling had something to do with what had happened between Hailey and Pierre the previous day. Janice Strauss didn’t sound comfortable with what she had to say to Hailey—a hesitation was audible in her voice, and even, Hailey thought, an embarrassment.

  “Yes?” Hailey replied as guardedly as she could, trying to make it sound like she wasn’t even sure she remembered who Pierre LeGrand was.

  “Well, my husband thinks I should invite you over this afternoon.”

  “What? This afternoon?” Hailey frowned. But Pierre’s coming over.

  “Yes… well, I suppose I should say that… I mean, Nick told me to say, but…”

  The embarrassment in Janice’s voice had reached so high a pitch that Hailey felt bad for her despite her own mortification at the suspicion that this woman knew about all the shameful things Hailey had done the night before: the spanking over the ottoman, the losing of her virginity there to an older man’s hard cock, then that older man making her come with his mouth over and over before enjoying Hailey’s mouth with his thrusting penis.

  “What?” she practically whispered into the phone.

  “I’m supposed to say that you and I will both be spanked if you don’t come over and…”

  Hailey swallowed hard, and she felt a little sob of arousal and alarm rise in her chest.

  “And what?”

  Silence from her phone, and then, “Can we talk about it when you get here?”

  * * *

  Hailey’s heart beat like a drum as she pulled into the Strauss’ driveway. She couldn’t even figure out, really, why she had come. The text from Pierre obviously had something to do with it—Hailey had asked, Am I supposed to go to Janice Strauss’ house? and Pierre had replied, Yes, honey. I’ll see you there.

  But Hailey didn’t think that she would have done something so out of the ordinary if she had been thinking entirely straight—the way she had been thinking the previous day, even after a couple of beers. To go over to a stranger’s house, because the stranger knew Hailey had been spanked last night, and told Hailey they would both be punished if they didn’t comply? Part of her felt that the basically rational, if inexperienced, girl she had thought herself the previous day would have called the cops, or at least her parents in the states.

  She found herself nevertheless getting out of the car, her breathing coming quick and shallow, and walking up the little path to the front door of the Strauss’ cute yellow house. She had no idea what to expect, but all day in school she had sat on a backside that ached from Pierre’s big hand, and Hailey felt sure somehow that in the simple text he had sent back, with no mention of bare-bottom discipline, lay the same promise it seemed Mr. Strauss had given his wife: if the men didn’t find Janice and Hailey together, doing as they had been told, their panties would come down and they would learn a painful lesson about following the instructions of the man who had taken charge of you.

  Janice, a pretty blonde woman who seemed about ten years older than Hailey, opened the door before Hailey could reach it. She had a troubled expression on her face, but she said, “Come on in,” with a kind smile and a resigned tone of voice.

  As soon as Hailey crossed the threshold and got a closer look at the sweet face Janice turned to her, she thought she understood why Pierre had made her come to the Strauss’ house. Something indefinable in the older woman’s expression told Hailey that Janice felt the same new motivation that had come into Hailey’s life the day before, when Pierre had walked into the family room. Hailey blushed to see that look on Janice’s face, but she felt a little reassured to see that Janice had blushed very deeply, too.

  We both need cock, Hailey thought, hardly even noticing how naughty the idea was from any ordinary point of view. We both need hard penises between our legs, and in our mouths, and in our bottoms.

  “Come into the bedroom,” Janice said abruptly. “You have to take your clothes off, and so do I.”

  “What?” Hailey asked, but Janice had already turned to move further into the ranch house, where, down the hall from the entryway, Hailey could see a master bedroom through a half open door. The bed was neatly made, with a blue comforter, but Hailey couldn’t help blushing anew at the thought of what it seemed Mr. Strauss must have done to his pretty wife there last night.

  “Please, Hailey?” Janice said, still moving, but turning her face over her shoulder to look back at the younger woman. “I don’t think we have much time, and Nick says he’ll give me the belt, while you watch, if…”

  Hailey had to keep down a sob of arousal and alarm at the image of the young wife whipped with her panties down while she, a mere teenager, had to look on. The question flew from her lips: “If what?”

  Janice stopped in front of the bedroom door and turned to face Hailey.

  “If both our pussies aren’t shaved and we aren’t ready for… for…”

  Hailey felt her eyes go very wide. “Anal?” she whispered.

  Janice’s brow puckered and she nodded quickly, three times, her lips pursed and her eyes searching Hailey’s. Hailey could see in the older woman’s face the same conflict she felt herself, and the same questioning of why things she would never have contemplated just a day before suddenly seemed not just intriguing but desirable… compulsory, even.

  “Why?” she whispered. “Why do I… want it?”

  Janice shook her head now, very slowly. Her eyebrows went up a tiny ways, and she said, in an even softer voice than Hailey’s, “Need.” She chewed on her lower lip, as if thinking about whether she should add something that had come into her mind, and finally seemed to give into it. “Something about his… his thing… all day I’ve been… I haven’t been able to stop…”

  “Doing what?” Hailey asked urgently. She remembered with a renewal of the heat in her cheeks what she had done in the girls’ bathroom at school, hand in her panties and wondering if Pierre would spank her for it when she confessed, coming on the toilet with her shirt’s crewneck in her mouth to keep herself from crying out.

  “Touching myself,” Janice whispered. “I’ve never done it before, but today… I just want his thing so much.”

  “Even in your… back there?” Hailey asked, heart beating wildly. She knew the answer, because it was her answer too, but she had to hear Janice say it.

  “Yes,” Janice breathed, with an adorable, helpless expression. “You?”

  Hailey nodded. Then, because she felt she would die if she didn’t get more of this confirmation from her new friend—in the absence of Pierre’s cock, anyway—she said boldly, “Show me.”

  Janice’s lips parted. Hailey could tell the older woman knew exactly what Hailey meant, but didn’t want to let herself fully realize it. “What?” Janice finally asked. “Show you what?”

  “You know,” Hailey said. “Let me watch you play with yourself. I’ll do it too.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  The alien inside Nick Strauss’ head thought it and its colleague had a few more things to manage than would have represented an ideal tactical situation, but it had great confidence in their ability to bring this phase of the invasion to a satisfactory conclusion.

  Has Pierre LeGrand corresponded with his friend yet? it asked the other Zedaar.

  He has jus
t arrived at Tim Foster’s firehouse. Tim Foster is surprised to see him. I shall send again in a few seconds.

  Seconds, for a Zedaar, felt much the way tens of minutes felt to a human. Nick Strauss had almost reached his home, and his mind was full of slow-moving, highly aroused thoughts about the evening and night to come. The Zedaar inside his mind had not had to work hard at all to remove the human male’s resistance to conducting discipline and dominant sexual intercourse in the presence of others, an element that both this Zedaar and his colleague in Pierre LeGrand’s neural network considered a key component of their plan.

  Once the human males began to punish and fuck their females in a group constituted for the purpose, things would become much simpler, the Zedaar reasoned. The basic social cohesion that from an important perspective defined the humans as a species would ensure both that the move-thing project came quickly to fruition and that what Nick Strauss already named, in his mind, ‘The Fotherville Club for Couples Discipline’ would give Zedaar arriving via the new device an amusing set of hosts to inhabit.

  The time inched by for the alien in Nick Strauss’ brain. The pickup truck traveled so slowly even in comparison to a sub-light speed but up-to-date physical interstellar conveyance like a Je’mani warship that the Zedaar began to wonder about the risk of losing electrostatic cohesion due to boredom. Nick Strauss’ mind presented certain interesting elements, but the alien only found the human male amusing when in close contact with his mate, when Nick Strauss’ reproductive responses buzzed through the Zedaar’s quantum-level sensorium.

  At last its colleague provided an update.

  Pierre LeGrand has shaken Tim Foster’s hand, allowing me to influence Tim Foster, as well as sense Tim Foster’s thoughts and feelings quite precisely. Tim Foster, with the help of my removing his social inhibitions on the matter, has acceded to Pierre LeGrand’s plan that they should go get Tim’s almost-mate Mary Glass from her employment at the office of the town clerk. Pierre LeGrand and Tim Foster are having an amusing conversation about spanking Mary Glass. It seems she ‘talks back,’ as the humans put it, to Tim Foster on a regular basis. Tim Foster is extremely happy that Pierre LeGrand has confirmed him in the idea that putting Mary Glass over his knee for a bare-bottom spanking will help their relationship develop in a healthy and pleasurable way.